Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

Item Guide Razor

ok guys sekarang item razor atau lightning revenant

ok sekarang liat item nya 


Sperti biasa, item2 awal yg biasanya kamu beli, seperti tango, healing slave,iron wood, circlet,dll.
Item Early

Ring of Aquila

Kamu punya nuke yang lumayan aktif di early, regen mana dan stats aquila akan sangat berguna.
Phase Boots

Menambah damage, dan bisa untuk nembus unit. Juga sangat membantu ngejar saat transfer damage dan menggunakan Eye of the Storm.

Gameplay Early

Jangan Pick Razor:

1. Kalau lawanmu banyak hero range. Unstable Current-mu tidak berguna.
2. Tim kalian kekurangan Initiator dan support.
3. Kamu malas ngeGank

Pick Razor:

1. Kalau lawanmu bergantung dengan heavy physical damage (Sven, Traxex, Venge, dll.)
2. Tim kalian kekurangan carry.
3. Ingin cepat-cepat push tower.
4. Sudah mengerti bagaimana cara memainkannya.


Carry/Semi-Carry = Semi..
Ganker/Disabler/ Warder = Ouyah pasti...
Nuker/Pusher = Ya.
Full Support = Jangan...
Initiator = Don't...
Tanker/Semi-Tanker = Tidak!


Setelah pilih razor, beli 1 circlet,1 tango, 1 slippers, dan 3 ironwoodbranch. Sebenarnya terserah km, tp klo ga amau rugi, tetap beli resep2 untuk jadiin item core.

Main solo atau main dual ga masalah buat razor, jadi klo di tim km ga ada hero solo, km aj yg isi solo mid. Klo main solo yg bukan mid km mesti hati2, meski km tipe range, km ga bakal bs mendominasi line dengan 2 musuh seorang diri.

Untuk razor yang main solo, nah.. di mid ( line solo km ), seperti byasa, kenapa harus ada 1 hero main solo, karena hero main solo adalah byasanya hero2 killer, yg emang sengaja main solo untuk bs dapat level dan duit yg lebih tinggi di early game. Dengan bantuan hero2 solo, hero2 non-solo bisa dibantu untuk membunuh lawan se-line-nya.

Razor bisa main solo karena attack rangenya lumayan jauh, yaitu 550. Jadi jarak yg cukup jauh dr musuh. Tapi razor main solo bukan berarti harus mendominasi lawan dgn selalu nyerang lawannya, tp razor main solo untuk bisa creeping dgn baik. Razor adalah hero late game, ga mungkin nyerang tanpa item dan skill yg memadai, ga seperti hero2 intellegance. Jadi, kalau mau razor mu ‘jadi’, manfaatkan waktu early game untuk creeping di mid, jgn hiraukan klo musuh solox nyerang, main safe aj dgn mundur, nanti jg km bakal bebas membantainya.

Gunakan juga skill2 plasma field mu untuk creeping, jangan sering2 serang creep yg belum bisa di last hit, usahakan juga selalu deny creep yg udah bs di-deny, itu berguna supaya pertemuan creep mu dan creep lawan selalu ada di tengah2 dan ga mendekati tower, kalau creepnya ketemu di tower, km akan kesulitan untuk membunuh dapat uang.

Klo ada teman km pilih hero yg lebih cocok main solo ( sulit creeping klo ga main solo ), km main dual line aj di line atas atau bawah, dan tetap juga fokus dulu ama creeping, kecuali klo teman se-line km itu hero stunner, klo ada kesempatan... bokong lawan km. Dgn adanya hero stunner, bokong musuh jadi lebih mudah.

Jangan sekali2 maju klo creep mu nyerang tower lawan, mending nunggu di belakang aj. Dan klo creep lawan yg nyerang towermu, usahakan berada dekat2 creep lawan, itu kalau km udah ngambil skill unstable current ( level 5 ) dan HP mu masih banyak.

Intinya jangan main agresif dulu di early game, main safe aj, dan fokus creeping untuk dapat duit sebanyak-banyaknya. Apalagi jangan terlalu bernafsu bunuh hero lawan yg uda bs di last hit tp kabur melewati towernya, biarin aja dulu kabur, bisa dibunuh lain waktu kok.

Item Mid

Beli ini untuk solusi kurangnya HPmu di early game, kalau musuhmu banyak nuker (hero-hero yg banyak spell magical-nya), beli Hood of deviance. Ini juga sangat membantu saat 1 vs 1 dan mendekati musuh dengan ulti atau link.

Helm of Dominator
Potensi DPS tertinggi adalah apabila seorang hero memeiliki efek LIFESTEAL untuk attack damage-nya yang tinggi. Item ini mengubah animasi missile attack-mu (cosmetic aja)

Gameplay Mid

Apa sudah saatnya berburu ? belum boss..., di mid game peranmu adalah pusher, yaitu tetap main line, pushing, hancurkan tower lawan. Kalau km punya Boots of travel akan lebih mudah, creeping di line yg sedang kosong, klo di early game km main solo, pastinya level km lebih tinggi dr teman2 km, tp di mid game utamakan push markas lawan dan farming.

Meski gitu, klo ada teman km lg diserang atau dikeroyok, langsung teleport kesana dan tolong dia. Tujuannya adalah biar musuh km ga dpt duit dr membunuh teman km, itu berguna memperlambat lawan2 kamu untuk membeli item core mreka juga.

Klo menurutmu mlakukan push dan creeping itu membosankan, silahkan saja ikut teman2 mu di war, tp jangan sampai mati, klo item2 mu belum pada jadi, km ga punya cukup peluang untuk membunuh. Tapi, slalu ingat, klo km akhirnya mati waktu ikut war, fokus ke creeping lagi, di late game km punya banyak waktu untuk membalas mereka.

Bokong lawan bukan ide yang bagus untuk razor, razor ga punya skill2 ‘ganking’, rata2 skill nya emang untuk creeping doang. Tp klo teman ganker mu itu hero stunner, patut di coba.

Meski skill creeping mu itu juga bs skalian skill pertahanan, namun sering kali razor adalah santapan utama bokongan, karena mungkin saja HP mu paling sedikit diantara teman2 mu. Jadi klo uda liat di map ga ada satupun lawan, klo bukan sedang nyerang roshan, ya ngincer km, jadi segera teleport ke markas untuk jaga2.

Item Late


Nah, ini yang jadi pertanyaan. kenapa membeli Skadi setelah dominator? Sebenarnya item ini bukan orb untuk hero range, Penjelasan detialnya ada di guide clinkz.

Eye of skadi akan membantu ngeslow musuh saat mencoba kabur dari AoE Ulti, atau ingin memutuskan static link. Tambahan stats-nya juga sangat berguna untuk late game.


Penjelasan ada di atas (Baca: Helm of the Dominator) :)
Dengan ini damage lifestealmu mungkin lebih sakit dari hero lifestealer manapun! Untuk hero range Item ini stack dengan skadi.


Lothar's Edge
Sebenarnya item ini akan membantu menyerang target Eye of the storm dengan aman, juga berguna buat kabur/ngejar, tapi harus tetap waspada dengan musuh yang memiliki True Sight (skill/item)


Item ini pengganti dr vanguard, klo lawan2 mu banyakan hero2 nukers, yg punya banyak spell damage aktif dan banyak mana seperti zeus, death prophet, lina, leshrac.


Razor memiliki skill static Link dan ulti Eye of the storm. Jadi Razor terpaksa harus bertarung jarak dekat dengan target, dan beginilah caramu mendominasi sekaligus pertahananmu saat bertarung 1 vs 1. Kamu akan sangat diuntungkan dengan static charge Mjolnir, apalagi kalau hero melee.


Klo ga mau beli skadi, beli desolator aj, bs ngurangin armor lawan, makin mudah membunuh lawan.


Sange and Yasha

Semua Hitter sangat butuh ini! MS, damage, dan slow attack.


Nah dr item ini baru nambahin attack speed yg skalian nambah damage dan juga bs evasion ( musuh bakal miss2 nyerang km ). Aku ga yakin kalau km bakal bs beli item ini di mid game, tp kalau km creeping dgn baik atau km uda mendominasi battle (bukan berarti IMBA, ^^ ), km pasti bisa membelinya. Cara belinya biar ga ribet mesti disamble dl, beli quarterstaff dulu, trus beli TALISMAN OF EVASION baru eaglehornnya, jadi meski km bawa maelstorm kalau eaglehornya dibeli terakhir yg jadi tetap The butterfly, bukan Mjolnir...


Dgn boots of travel km bs lebih menguasai map, jadi km bs bantu teman2 yg dibokong di mana pun tanpa harus berjalan. Slain itu MS km akan bertambah banyak lagi dgn unstable current level 4.


Klo item core uda di pegang, mending beli item ini, meski megang item apapun tetap bs ngefek sm item ini, dan item ini juga ngefek sama skill unstable current, artinya radiance tetap ngurangin HP musuh tiap detik, dan unstabble current juga tetap nyerang musuh.

Aganhims Scepter

Mengimprove ultimu.. Jadi bisa nyerang banguanan (kecuali moon well di sentinel/ziggurat di Scourge)


Boleh juga beli item ini, menambah attack speed, tp kenapa item ini ga masuk item core maupun alternatif?. Karena item ini hanya sebagai pelengkap aj, untuk nambah damage dan attack speed, serta bonus damage, sepertinya razor butuh item yg bisa memberikan efek yg slain dari itu,misalnya slower, akan berguna untuk MS razor yg tinggi.


Sama saja, dgn penjelasan di monkey king bar.

Gameplay Late

Late game, byasanya semua lawan akan takut dr hasil creepingnya razor di early dan mid, dgn kemampuan creepingnya razor, mestinya item2 razor itu udah berbahaya, emang benar.

Dan klo ada musuh yg bisa ngurangin HP razor dgn banyak, mestinya musuh itu juga harus membayar dgn HP yang besar pula. Sering kali musuh itu yg malah kabur, dan secara perlahan2 akan mati juga dalam pengejaran, palagi klo udah megang skadi dan eye ot the storm level 3.

Mungkin uda saatnya berhenti creeping, di late game, km akan seperti balanar di malam hari, km mestinya udah menguasai map, artinya dgn kecepatan lari dan item boots of travel mu, km mestinya uda bisa ada di setiap war.

Kali ini biarkan teman2 km yg creeping kalau duit berdatangan ( creep lawan dgn jumlah banyak, nyerang tower markas di line atas atau bawah). Kamu harus fokus untuk untuk defense line yg ada hero2 musuhnya.

Lakukan push ke markas lawan, hancurkan towernya, klo ada yg hero lawan yg mencoba deense, utamakan bunuh spell casternya, byasanya spell caster di late game ga bgt berguna lg, alias damage dr spell2 mreka udah geli2. Tp karena sering kali mreka nyerang di dr belakang, fokus ke stunnernya aj.

Dengan banyaknya item2 yg kamu pegang di late game hasil creepingmu, kamu udah pasti bs dapat GODLIKE.. gmana..?

Senin, 11 Februari 2013

New Blogspot Storm Spirit

Hello Guys This New Blog Spot. And I Wanna Help You Guide In Dota Item And I Show You For Heroes Item

So i Wannna Show Storm Spirit Guide


by Constrictorz


Storm Spirit is in my opinion one of the most fun heroes to play in DotA and the guides that exist on him here on are not good. I am a public player and my guide is totally based on that but I do believe this build is perfect for higher level play too.

I would also like to apologize for any grammatical mistakes I make. English is not my native language.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Spells
  3. Skill Build
  4. Item Build
  5. Gameplay

Quick Summary
  1. Static Remnant
  2. Overload
  3. Electric Vortex
  4. Electric Vortex
  5. Electric Vortex
  6. Ball Lightning
  7. Electric Vortex
  8. Static Remnant
  9. Static Remnant
  10. Static Remnant
  11. Ball Lightning
  12. Overload
  13. Overload
  14. Overload
  15. Stats
  16. Ball Lightning

Starting items





Storm Spirit is a hero which offers you high mobility combined with lethal combos. He is an excellent ganker and works very well as semi-carry/carry. He has got a great melee nuke, no-cd Blink and to top it off, a disable. But it is not all good, with his amazing arsenal of spells comes mana issues. One who does not master Storm's mana will never master Storm. Storm Spirit is a hero to watch out for. He can rip you apart and you will not even know what hit you.

When you do not pick Storm:
  • When there is a Doom Bringer or any hero with a silence in the opposing team.
  • You are not the ganker/carry type of player
  • You do not know how to dominate your lane
  • Got bad mana management


Static Remnant

Raijin creates a remnant of himself containing his essence. The Static Remnant will release its stored energy whenever an enemy unit comes near it. Lasts 12 seconds.

Author's comment:
Your nuke which is crucial to land when you gank. It is a great spell to use to farm in the start and works pretty well later as well. It can also provide you vision and can be used as a counter pushing spell, although not that effective. Try to use this spell a lot in the early stages of the game since it costs so little mana. 

Electric Vortex

Storm focuses his energy to rip open vortex drawing an enemy to it. This process slows the Storm Spirit down for a brief period.

Author's comment:
This spell combined with Static Remnant is a force to be reckoned with. Vortex guarantees you a hit with your Remnant and also provides an amazing disable. Can also be used early game to harass if you use Remnant directly after using Vortex.


Storm Spirit becomes overloaded with electrical energy whenever he casts a spell. The charge is released on his next attack as an electrical burst, dealing damage and slowing nearby units.

Author's comment:
Having one level of this spell early on is godsend. I am amazed over how well Storm's spells work together. You are going to use Remnant to last hit creeps and when you do this, you will follow up with an attack on your opponent so that he eats an Overload. Remember to make most use of this spell. This means that you should use your active Overload before casting another spell so that you do not waste a charge.

Ball Lightning

Storm Spirit becomes enveloped with energy, losing his physical form, and travels until he depletes his mana or reaches his target. While in this form, he deals damage to nearby units based on how far his electrical form has traversed. Damage, speed and area of effect improves per level.

Author's comment:
Storm Spirit's signature skill. This is what makes this hero so fun to play. Be aware though, without good mana management this spell can cause you a lot of problems. Use it wisely and it will prevail.

Skill Build
  1. Static Remnant
  2. Overload
  3. Electric Vortex
  4. Electric Vortex
  5. Electric Vortex
  6. Ball Lightning
  7. Electric Vortex
  8. Static Remnant
  9. Static Remnant
  10. Static Remnant
  11. Ball Lightning
  12. Overload
  13. Overload
  14. Overload
  15. Stats
  16. Ball Lightning

Author's comment:
This build gives you a solid start. Vortex is extremely good in ganks and it is your only disable. I am not a fan of taking Overload before Remnant for the sole reason that you have to spam a lot of spells to get those Overloads going while Remnant deals instant damage. Remnant is also superior if you want to clear creep waves quickly and farm.

There are many skill builds that work on Storm Spirit and adapting your skill build to the way you play is something you always should do. Some like to leave Vortex at level two and max Remnant first so they get some more damage output and increase their farming ability. This is just an example of how you can mix with the skill build.

Item Build


A solid start and gives you well needed stats. If your team already has a chicken then you can switch out the chicken and a branch for two Mantles of Intelligence. The branches will later be used to make a Magic Wand. Having a chicken is crucial since this guide is focused on having Storm on middle lane and getting an early Bottle for rune dominance.


You will need Bottle if you are going middle lane, which you should. Rune dominance is the key to win the middle lane duel. 

Magic Wand
This is one of the best items in DotA and should never be overlooked.

Power Treads
In my opinion, Power Treads is too good of an item to be passed early. It makes it so much easier to gank and getting kills early on. Also, it provides you with well needed stats. Alternate between Strength and Intelligence Power Treads depending on your needs.

Linken's Sphere
I prefer Linken's over Bloodstone. Enemies will aim disables on you because you can jump around like a kid and therefore Linken's will be a the best choice. Your most used combo: Ball Lightning->Hit->Vortex->Hit-Remnant will not always kill your enemies and they will most likely cast a stun on you after your combo, making you unable to finish them off or wasting too much mana chasing them. Linken's Sphere solves this problem. The spellblock is very good. 

Bloodstone is a bit outdated. It may provide good mana regeneration if you can get a lot of charges but due to the nerf; you die once and you lose one third of your charges. Get this if you feel that you will dominate the game and will not die a lot. Excellent item instead of Linken's Sphere if their team got no disables. This item works well if your team is gank oriented. Many players prefer Bloodstone before Linken's and it is by no means a bad replacement.

To all those who say: "You should not die as Storm": 

Then why do you not go Divine Rapier after your Bloodstone? Your argument is bad and should not be used.

I would like to add that going Bloodstone or Linken's Sphere is very playstyle dependant. You should try both items and use the one that suits you.


Orchid of Malevolence
One of my favorite items on Storm. It gives you amazing mana regeneration and a very nice silence to top it off. Remember that Orchid of Malevolence amplifies the damage you deal on the silenced target by 20%. That extra damage is dealt at the end of the silence. Orchid of Malevolence also comes with an easy build up. I prefer to buy this over Guinsoo after my core but this is situational and depends on personal preference and sometimes a Guinsoo will be better.

Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse
The disable is excellent to have, no arguing with that. However, I usually do not buy it before Orchid. Think about it. How much damage do you actually do by hitting on a chicken after your main spells are used? Your attack speed will be slightly low due to having no Orchid and I do not like going this before Orchid. It is good in team fights and should be considered if team needs a disable. I am not saying Guinsoo is a bad item, absolutely not. In competitive games, Guinsoo is probably better than Orchid. 


Black King Bar
If you are getting raped by disables and your team does not know how to engage fights, then this might be considered. I hardly ever buy it but it is still a viable item. This item is often bought after Treads, Wand, Bottle in competitive games because the opposing team will pick many disablers to counter you.


Lane control

You want to go take the middle lane. This will allow you to gain level quickly and abuse runes. Your main focus should be on last hitting and harassing. It is crucial that you harass as Storm. Your spells got really low mana cost at the start and you will not have any mana issues so almost spam that Remnant and follow up with a hit with Overload on your enemy. At around level 4 -5 you can start using Vortex->Hit->Remnant on your enemy for even more harassing. 

When you get your Ball Lightning, start looking for opportunities to gank. If you want to gank bottom lane, check the lane before you run. Try to gank when a rune has recently spawned. By doing so, you will not only run to a lane to gank but also check the rune. This is called optimal playing. Do not waste your time.

How to gank

Usually you initiate with Ball Lightning followed up with an Overload->Vortex->Overload->Remnant. This is your bread and butter combo and should be used almost all the time. Be mindful with Vortex though, do not use it on a low hp hero. If you jump into two heroes and one has low hp, save Vortex and finish him off without using Vortex. Then you will have your Vortex for the other hero.

How to team fight

Storm's main purpose in fights is to jump in at the right moment and wreak havoc. In ganks Storm is the initiator because of his ultimate and his Vortex which will allow his teammates to get to the enemy. However, in team fights you should wait a little and let your allies initiate. Why? Because else you will get stunned. 

So jump in when the timing is right and try to use your main combo but also beware of what is happening around you. Try to jump to the side with Ball Lightning after your first combo so you can avoid focus fire and gain an Overload also. 

Understanding the art of farming

You want to aim at having Treads and Linken's before 25 min. You can sometimes skip Treads and rush the Linken's if the game feels right.

I am going to give you some tips here that will hopefully make you a better farmer. Obviously, last hitting is crucial if you want to farm well and getting as many last hits should be your goal. How will you achieve this? The answer is simple, with Remnant and proper last hitting. 

Ranged creep's projectile
The deciding factor for getting a last hit on a lane is to watch how the projectile of the RANGED creep is moving. The ranged creep does most damage and it is the most significant creep out of all creeps when it comes to timing your last hit. 

After a lot of games you will come to realize that getting your projectile to immediately follow your ranged creep's projectile is crucial against good players. You must learn to predict how much damage the ranged creep's projectile is going to do and if your hit that will follow it is going to be enough to get you the last hit. 

Farming with Remnant
Secondly, when you have Remnant you can do a trick. This is to hit a creep that is not being attacked and get it down to around 20%. You will now have two creeps with low health, the one you attacked and the one your creeps attacked and with one Remnant you can get them both. Follow up with an attack on your enemy with the Overload charge. 

Another trick that works when you have level 4 Remnant is to place a Remnant when all the creeps have full HP and then place a second one when ready. This will clear the whole creepwave.

Using hotkeys
Using the stop button "S" is also a good idea. This will help you time your attacks. By alternating between "S" and right-clicking on the creep your hero will look as if he is going to attack, but he will not. This is the technique I use when I fake my last hits, to make my enemy try to deny the creep. 

Optimizing your time
Learn to optimize your farm. Do not run around mindlessly. Have a purpose with everything you do. If that purpose is unclear, do not move from your lane. 

Carry a Town Portal so you can assist your team if you are miles away farming. Also carry a Town Portal to teleport to pushed lanes and taking the farm. Have you never cursed yourself for not carrying a Town Portal when you see a MASSIVE creep wave and you can not get there in time? Town Portal will allow you to farm in a safe place far away from your enemies and still be ready if a team fight occurs. 

Understanding Ball Lightning

Any good Storm player must understand this spell. Trying it out and using it a lot is the best way to gain that knowledge. However, there are some things that theory can teach you. The mana cost is dependent on how large your mana pool is. Therefore, mana regeneration is often better than a large mana pool on Storm. Raw mana is the most terrible thing to buy on Storm Spirit. Raw mana (Energy Booster for example) increases the mana cost of your ultimate but gives no regeneration. 

Another thing to notice is that you can cast spells while you are moving in Ball Lightning. This means you can use Dust or sheep a player while you are in Ball Lightning.

Some other tips are to use your terrain if you are running away with Ball Lightning. Jump over cliffs, move around a lot. You can dodge some stuns, such as Magic Missile.

Final Word

Storm is extremely fun to play and remember that this is just a guide. This is what works best for my playstyle and I always adapt to the game I am in. To be a good player you need to adapt and try out different things to get an understanding. Do not be blinded by this guide and follow it without thought. 

With that, I want to say thank you to everyone that reads this and good luck with Storm Spirit.


SIG Game

Date: 2010-05-21
Patch version: 1.24
Map: DotA Allstars 6.67c
Game mode: -ap
Game length: 54:58